Scotland 1967 Definitive Issue Set MNH
Item No : stregsc000026
Price :£3.20
Scotland 1967 Definitive issue set in unmounted mint condition with full gum. No watermark. SGS7-SGS13. Includes SGS12 9d Bronze Green.
Scotland 1958 Definitive Set MNH
Item No : stregsc000025
Price :£7.00
Scotland 1957 Definitive set in unmounted mint condition with full gum. Watermark multiple crowns. SGS1-SGS6 including SGS1p 3d Lilac with 2 phosphor bands.
Regional Scotland SGS32 1976 11p Orange Pink Type II MNH
Item No : stregsc000024
Price :£1.00
Regional Scotland SGS32 1976 11p Orange Pink Type II perf 15x14 2 band phosphor chalk surfaced paper. Printed by Harrison (photo). Slight print flaw of Red Tongue on left hand stamp. Unmounted mint condition pair.
Regional Scotland SGS35 1980 15p Ultramarine Type II MNH
Item No : stregsc000023
Price :£0.80
Regional Scotland SGS35 1980 15p Ultramarine Type II phosphorised paper PCP/DEX. Printed by Harrison perf 15x14. Unmounted mint pair.
Regional Scotland SGS34 1980 13.5p Brown Type II MNH
Item No : stregsc000022
Price :£0.80
Regional Scotland SGS34 1980 13.5p Reddish Brown Type II phorphorised paper PCP/DEX. Printed by Harrison perf 15x14. Unmounted mint pair.
Regional Scotland SGSC33 1980 12p Yellow Green Type II MNH
Item No : stregsc000021
Price :£0.80
Regional Scotland SGSC33 1980 12p Yellow Green Type II phospherised paper PCP/DEX. Printed by Harrison perf 15x14. Marginal pair in unmounted mint condition.
Regional Scotland SGS44 1981 18p Violet Type I MNH
Item No : stregsc000020
Price :£1.00
Regional Scotland SGS44 1981 18p Violet Type I phosphorised paper PCP/DEX perf 14. Printed by Waddington. Corner marginal in unmounted mint condition.
Regional Scotland SGS40 1981 14p Steel Blue Type I MNH
Item No : stregsc000019
Price :£1.00
Regional Scotland SGS40 1981 14p Steel Blue Type I phosphorised paper PCP/DEX. Printed by Waddington perf 14. Corner marginal in unmounted mint condition.
Regional Scotland SGS47 1981 22p Blue Type I MNH
Item No : stregsc000018
Price :£1.50
Regional Scotland SGS47 1981 22p Blue Type I phosphorised paper perf 14. Corner marginal unmounted mint condition.
Regional Scotland SGS36 1981 11.5p Type I Misplaced Phosphor MNH
Item No : stregsc000017
Price :£15.00
Regional Scotland SGS36 1981 11.5p Drab Type I Litho print. Left phosphor band misplaced being 1mm inside design. Marginal pair in unmounted mint condition.
Regional Scotland SGS8 1967 4d Pale Blue Cylinder 2 Dot MNH
Item No : stregsc000016
Price :£8.00
Regional Scotland SGS8 1967 4d Pale Blue printing Chalk surfaced paper no watermark Gum Arabic 2 band phosphor as a marginal block from Cylinder 2 Dot. Unmounted mint condition.
Regional Scotland SGS38 12.5p Mis-Placed Phosphor Band F/U
Item No : stregsc000015
Price :£10.00
Regional Scotland SGS38 1982 12.5p Light Emerald vertical pair in fine used condition with phosphor band error. Single left phosphor band on both stamps has been placed 2mm into stamp and not on edge as per normal issue. Leaves stamp with band inside design.
Scotland SGS10 1969 4d Vermilion Cylinder 2 No Dot with Flaw MNH
Item No : stregsc000014
Price :£25.00
Scotland SGS10 1969 4d Bright Vermilion Cylinder 2 No Dot in unmounted mint condition. Centre phosphor band, full gum, no watermark, sheet number on margin. Print/Blade flaw running vertical through'Revenue' on stamp R2/1.
Scotland Booth 698 1974 Definitive Issue FDC
Item No : stregsc000011
Price :£1.00
Scotland Booth 698 1974 Definitive issue FDC with Edinburgh special handstamp on embossed Cotswold cover. SGS18 3.5p centre band and SGS19 4.5p two band. Chalk surface paper photo printed by Harrison. Printed address. Wear to the edges and corners.
Scotland Booth 716 1976 Definitive Issue FDC
Item No : stregsc000010
Price :£2.00
Scotland Booth 716 1976 Definitive issue FDC with Edinburgh special handstamp on embossed Cotswold Cover. SGS29 10p two band and SGS32 11p two band. Chalk surfaced paper photo printed by Harrison.
Scotland Booth 688 1974 Defintive Issue Cover Unfranked
Item No : stregsc000009
Price :£3.50
Scotland Booth 688 1974 Definitive issue unfranked on embossed Cotswold cover with address label. SGS16 3p centre band, SGS17 3.5p 2 band, SGS21 5.5p 2 band and SGS26 8p 2 band.
Scotland SGS8 1967 4d Blue Cylinder 2 Dot MNH
Item No : stregsc000004
Price :£2.00
Scotland SGS8 1967 4d Blue Cylinder 2 Dot Gum Arabic 2 band phosphor corner marginal with rule markings in unmounted mint condition.
Scotland SGS4 1967 9d Green Marginal FDC
Item No : stregsc000005
Price :£2.50
Scotland SGS4 1967 9d Green 2 band phosphor as a marginal on FDC. Paisley postmark. Hand written address, wear to the edges of the cover. Booth catalogue 626a.
Scotland 1986 Definitive Issue U/M
Item No : stregsc000006
Price :£3.50
Scotland 1986-88 Definitive issue in unmounted mint conditions. S52 12p emerald side band, S54 14p blue centre band, S59 18p olive grey phospherised, S62 19p orange red phospherised, S67 23p bright green phospherised and S77 32p greenish blue phospherised.
Scotland 1989 Definitive Issue U/M
Item No : stregsc000007
Price :£5.00
Scotland 1989-90 Definitive issue in unmounted mint conditions. S56 15p bright blue centre band, S58 17p grey blue centre band, S64 20p brownish black phospherised, S66 22p orange phospherised, S69 24p indian red phospherised, S73 26p drab phospherised, S78 34p bluish grey phospherised and S79 37p rosine phospherised.
Scotland 1991 Definitive Issue U/M
Item No : stregsc000008
Price :£2.50
Scotland 1991 Definitive issue in unmounted mint conditions. S60 18p bright green with one centre band, S70 24p chestnut phosphorised paper, S75 28p bluish grey phosphorised paper and S80 mauve phosphorised paper.
Scotland SGS11 1968 5d Royal Blue Corner Marginal MNH
Item No : stregsc000003
Price :£1.50
Scotland SGS11 1968 5d Royal Blue corner marginal block with two phosphor bands in unmounted mint condition. Chalk surfaced paper, no watermark, PVA gum.
Scotland SGS10 1969 4d Vermillion Marginal Block MNH
Item No : stregsc000002
Price :£4.00
Scotland SGS10 1969 4d Vermillion marginal block of 24 in unmounted mint condition. Chalk surfaced paper, one center phosphor band, PVA gum.
SGS10 Scotland 1969 4d Vermilion Marginal Block MNH
Item No : stregsc000001
Price :£4.00
SGS10 Scotland 1969 4d Vermillion marginal block 24. One central phosphor band, Chalk surfaced paper, no watermark, PVA gum. Unmounted mint condition.